
精心设计与建造的NIS校园占地80,620 平方米。整体建筑外部的中国传统主题将我们与东道国紧密相连,而建筑的内部则更加符合二十一世纪的设计趋势,并凸显了我们一直贯彻的探究式学习方式。作为南京市唯一的一所非营利性国际学校,我们享有两倍于学校规模的教学设施,用来开展学校的教学和其他各类活动。NIS的地理位置首屈一指——位于仙林大学城的核心地带,与各类国际餐厅和咖啡馆、购物中心隔街相望,步行可达区域内各处高端住宅小区。

Our stunning campus is like no other. Exterior traditional Chinese themes connect us with our host country, while our modern interiors reflect classroom designs that optimise inquiry-based learning. As a non-profit international school, we enjoy the facilities of a school twice our size. NIS’s location is second to none — we are ideally situated in the heart of Xianlin University City, right across the street from great international restaurants and cafes, shopping, and walking distance from some of the best residential areas in town.

Our Primary and Secondary school sections, as well as our community Centre, are part of one expansive, purpose-built 85,800sqm campus, providing integrated environments covered by our state-of-the-art indoor air filtration system.


Our Primary and Secondary school sections, as well as our community Centre, are part of one expansive, purpose-built 85,800sqm campus, providing integrated environments covered by our state-of-the-art indoor air filtration system.

•  图书馆

•  容纳540人的表演艺术中心

•  6泳道恒温泳池和适配幼儿初学者的泳池

•  2个体育馆

•  设计中心

•  小学设计实践室

•  音乐/录音室

•  黑匣子剧场

•  符合国际足联标准的正式足球场和400米跑道

•  健身房

•  餐厅和咖啡厅

•          Library

•          540-seat multipurpose theatre

•          6-lane heated swimming pool and beginner’s pool

•          2 gymnasiums

•          Design Centre

•          Primary Design Pit

•          Music/Recording Studio

•          Black Box Studio

•          FIFA-approved full-length football field and 400m track

•          Fitness Room

•          Cafeteria and Café




We are proud to be

a green campus.

NIS is surrounded by nature, allowing our students to enjoy grounds filled with gardens and trees.

Our rigorous LEED Silver certification reflects our ongoing commitment to be a more environmentally sustainable school, and is unique among international education institutions in Nanjing.