
From our personalised inquiry-based approach in Primary School to knowledge mastery in our Secondary School, we provide an innovative, student-centred international education. NIS develops critical thinkers and leaders by involving students in the decisions about teaching and learning. We support risk-taking and international mindedness by equipping our learners with the skills to thrive outside their comfort zone and connect with nature, people, culture, and places.

Learning at NIS is an ongoing process that is personal, social, and leads to the development of new, deeper understandings that can be applied creatively in the world beyond the classroom.



Our Curriculum


NIS是中国第一所IB国际学校,也是中国第一所IB一贯制学校。IB大学预科课程是目前世界上最严格的,获得国际认可的高中课程。在 NIS,我们采用 IB 教学体系来帮助我们有目的地构建从 Pre-K 到 12 年级的师生教学经历,包括每一位学生的学习课程、校园社交生活、情感学习、和展示项目。

我们在语言和学习方面提供充分的学习支持,帮助每位学生实现个人卓越。我们为所有学生提供通往大学继续进修的机会。虽然我们 11 年级和 12 年级的大多数学生选择IB文凭,但我们同样自豪于能够为所有学生提供其他的毕业途径,挖掘并释放他们的学习潜能,帮助学生们实现成功。